May 17 - 18, 2003

LOCATION: Tukwila, Washington
Conformation & All Breed Obedience

Conformation: Ruth Kramer, Karen Brancheau, Warren Shivers, Ronald Gaither
Obedience: Ronald Gaither, Karen Brancheau

MAY 18, 2003
Judge: Warren Shivers
Puppy Male
‘PR’ Royal Winston of West Winds
Junior Male
‘PR’ Big Bully’s Mini Cooper of Rabmag
Senior Male
No Entries
Veteran Male
Rangler’s Oregon Expedition
Breeder/Handler Male
BeR’s Razin’ Cane
Best Male
‘PR’ Royal Winston of West Winds
Reserve Best Male
Rangler’s Oregon Expedition

Puppy Female
‘PR’ Relentless Fast N Furious
Junior Female
PR’ Diablo’s True WstWnds Bacardi
Senior Female
Kelshawn’s Dynamic Alliyah Mae
Veteran Female
Blue Thunder’s Butterscotch
Breeder/Handler Female
BeR’s Chocolate Smores
Best Female
PR’ Diablo’s True WstWnds Bacardi
Reserve Best Female
Nevada’s Mystic Sudden Impact

Best of Winners
‘PR’ Royal Winston of West Winds

Champion of Champions
CH Bruce’s West Winds Aftershock
Reserve Ch of Chs
CH ‘PR’ West Winds Shoot to Thrill

Grand Champion
UWP GR CH Brytess Stricks Go 4 Your Guns

Best of Breed
UWP GR CH Brytess Stricks Go 4 Your Guns

Novice Puppies
Novice Male
Cedar’s Thunderstruck
Novice Female
‘PR’ Horn Larum’s Miss Texas TNT
Best Of Breed
‘PR’ Horn Larum’s Miss Texas TNT

Novice Puppies
Altered Male
UAGII U-CD GR CH ‘PR’ Maurader’s-Ivie League’s Harvard
Altered Female
‘PR’ Maurader’s Sweetest Peach
Best Of Breed
UAGII U-CD GR CH ‘PR’ Maurader’s-Ivie League’s Harvard

Junior Showmanship
Sub Junior
Alaina Quiles w/ ‘PR’ Relentless Fast N Furious
Anecia Fraser w/ Blackhearts Wild Catastrophy
Best Junior Handler