August 23-24, 2003
Puyallup, Washington
Judges: Conformation: Ronald Sacca, Walter Pasko, John Tompkins, June Pasko
AUGUST 24, 2003 Judge: June Pasko
SHOW 4 |
Puppy Male | Teezy’s Justice |
Junior Male | Mount Brier’s Aren’t U Envious
Senior Male | Outlaws BR Hoover Clean Up Cru
Veteran Male | ‘PR’ RO KI’s Brody
Breeder/Handler Male | Be R’s Razin’ Cain
Best Male | Mount Brier’s Aren’t U Envious
Reserve Best Male | Teezy’s Justice
Puppy Female | Alway’s Miss Behavin
Junior Female | Vanities Gracie Mae
Senior Female | No Entries
Veteran Female | BeR’s Chissel
Breeder/Handler Female | Be R’s Snicker Doodle of Teezy
Best Female | Be R’s Snicker Doodle of Teezy
Reserve Best Female | Always’s Miss Behavin
Best of Winners | Be R’s Snicker Doodle of Teezy
Champion of Champions | CH ‘PR’ Nevada’s Rosewood Rosalie
Reserve Ch of Chs | CH ‘PR’ West Winds Extra! Extra!
Grand Champion | – UAGI UCD GR CH Marauder’s Klickitat of Vintage
Best of Breed | UAGI UCD GR CH Marauder’s Klickitat of Vintage
