August 23-24, 2003

LOCATION: Puyallup, Washington

Conformation: Ronald Sacca, Walter Pasko, John Tompkins, June Pasko

AUGUST 24, 2003
Judge: John Tompkins
Puppy Male
Teezy’s Justice
Junior Male
PR’ Ramos Marquise Shine CC
Senior Male
Outlaws BR Hoover Clean Up Cru
Veteran Male
‘PR’ RO KI’s Brody
Breeder/Handler Male
Be R’s Razin’ Cain
Best Male
Outlaws BR Hoover Clean Up Cru
Reserve Best Male
BeR’s Razin’ Cain

Puppy Female
Alway’s Miss Behavin
Junior Female
Vanities Gracie Mae
Senior Female
Nevada’s Mystic Sudden Impact
Veteran Female
BeR’s Chissel
Breeder/Handler Female
No Entries
Best Female
Nevada’s Mystic Sudden Impact
Reserve Best Female
Always’s Miss Behavin

Best of Winners
Nevada’s Mystic Sudden Impact

Champion of Champions
CH ‘PR’ Tyee’s Runnin’ Down A Dream
Reserve Ch of Chs
CH ‘PR’ West Winds Extra! Extra!

Grand Champion
– GR CH ‘PR’ Atlas Larums This Is Shangra-la

Best of Breed
Nevada’s Mystic Sudden Impact